Businesses Join Forces to Protect Bristol Bay

Businesses Join Forces to Protect Bristol Bay

In early July, grocers and fish markets throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond came together to promote Bristol Bay sockeye salmon during the peak of the Bristol Bay fishing season.  This wasn’t your average salmon promotion though.  Instead, businesses encouraged customers to eat Bristol Bay salmon as a way to help save Bristol Bay salmon – or “eat wild to save wild,” as Seattle Chef Tom Douglas often reminds people. 

Bristol Bay tribal, commercial and sport fishing leaders thank Governor Walker for call for halt in Pebble Mine environmental review; request the same from Alaska Delegation

Clarks Point, Alaska-- United Tribes of Bristol Bay Executive Director Alannah Hurley, and other fishing leaders thanked Alaska Governor Bill Walker’s today for his call to halt the environmental review of the proposed Pebble Mine.  In a letter to the US Army Corps. of Engineers, Governor Walker requested the federal agency cease its ongoing analysis of the wildly controversial proposed Pebble Mine.

NEW VIDEO - Last Cast: Sportsmen's fight to Save Bristol Bay

NEW VIDEO - Last Cast: Sportsmen's fight to Save Bristol Bay

Trout Unlimited has been working with fishermen, tribes, chefs, and thousands of others who, together, are fighting to protect the Bristol Bay region of Alaska from the proposed Pebble Mine.

As salmon  runs decline globally, Bristol Bay's importance is elevated - not only as a powerhouse for wild salmon, but also the engine for local and international economies, and a world-class sportfishing destination.