What do YOU want to tell the President about Bristol Bay?

What do YOU want to tell the President about Bristol Bay?

What would you want to say to the President about Pebble mine?

The President may be coming to Bristol Bay next month and he needs to hear what YOU think about Pebble mine.

Now is the chance to make your voice heard and help demonstrate that Bristol Bay residents, fishermen, tribes, businesses and next generations who depend on healthy water and salmon want it to stay that way.

Buy Wild Salmon: Help TU Protect Bristol Bay

Buy Wild Salmon: Help TU Protect Bristol Bay

Trout Unlimited is excited to introduce a new partnership with Pride of Bristol Bay:  a new business that brings fishing families together to deliver sustainable, wild-caught Bristol Bay salmon to communities across the country. And while they are at it, they are choosing to give back to the habitat that keeps their business thriving by contributing a percentage of their profits to Trout Unlimited’s work to protect Bristol Bay.  

Statement: Pebble Limited Partnership’s series of delay-tactic lawsuits

Statement: Pebble Limited Partnership’s series of delay-tactic lawsuits

Yesterday the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of the first of three cases brought by the Pebble Limited Partnership against the Environmental Protection Agency over proposed protections for Bristol Bay. In a second case, the U.S. District Court in Anchorage heard arguments from attorneys for the EPA and Pebble Limited Partnership