Pebble's permit review process is a sham.

Pebble and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are rushing the Pebble Mine through permitting at unprecedented, lightning speed. 

The current public process is a sham. If unchanged, it will be the least rigorous permitting process Alaska has seen for a mega-project of this size in the history of our state. If you live in Alaska: Please take action to demand a more thorough process today.

The Corps of Engineers is the agency in charge of reviewing one of Pebble’s major permits, but has set up the whole process to favor Pebble and limit the public's voice:

  • The public “hearings” are designed to stifle Alaskan input
  • In an unprecedented and insulting gesture, the Corps of Engineers has apparently decided it's not important to hold hearings in affected communities downstream of the mine site.
  • They are only giving people 30 days to submit public comments for the largest mining project - by far - to ever be proposed in Alaska. (For reference, projects like the Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline, the Nanashuk Project, and the Donlin Gold Project all had scoping comment periods ranging between 75 and 106 days long.)

In short, the process laid out by the Corps of Engineers is an unacceptable sham. 

ALASKA RESIDENTS: Please contact Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, and Governor Walker and demand they tell the Corps of Engineers to make Pebble's permit review process robust, thorough, and to prioritize the input of local people.

Stay Tuned! In a few days, we’ll be contacting you with all the “hearing” details, and ways you can file your comment once the official scoping period begins on April 1.

For now, if you live in Alaska, please take a moment to contact our elected decision makers and tell them to urge the Corps of Engineers to improve the process to rigorously and adequately review possible impacts from the Pebble mine proposal.

Thank you, and please stay tuned. There will be lots of action opportunities to help protect Bristol Bay from Pebble mine in the coming weeks!